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One in eight couples faces infertility, according to RESOLVE, the national Infertility Association. Infertility can be caused by a number of hormonal or anatomical problems in either partner, but in 20 percent of infertility cases, there’s no identifiable cause. recent studies indicate that women with unexplained infertility may actually have celiac disease, which could be hampering their attempts to conceive. In some of these cases, when the women switched to strict gluten-free diets, they conceived and had healthy, successful pregnancies. nearly 6 percent of women with unexplained infertility had celiac disease—a rate nearly six times higher than expected, per a recent study from the Celiac disease center at Columbia University.

Alicia Woodward, editor of LivingWithout magazine, shared her competence on celiac disease and infertility with The healthy mommies magazine recently.

What are the common symptoms of celiac disease?

Celiac disease is a genetic autoimmune disorder that occurs when the body reacts abnormally to gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. It affects about 1 in 133 people, an estimated 3 million Americans. around 85 percent of these are thought to be undiagnosed.

When someone with celiac disease eat foods that consist of gluten, an immune-mediated reaction causes damage to the small intestine, as well as to other systems in the body. Celiac disease is a lifelong condition that cannot be outgrown. often present without evident symptoms, it continues to “silently” cause intestinal damage if left untreated by the gluten-free diet.Symptoms of celiac disease vary widely from person to person. They may occur in the digestive system or in other parts of the body. It’s possible that symptoms may only be recognized in hindsight or, again, that there may be no symptoms at all.Symptoms may include classic gastrointestinal distress, such as diarrhea, cramping and bloating, as well as non-gastrointestinal signs such as short stature, anemia and liver problems. Over a lifespan, symptoms tend to shift from mostly gastrointestinal in children (diarrhea and/or constipation, bloating, pain, weight loss, vomiting) to fatigue, anemia, arthritis, depression, anxiety and numbness/tingling in the fingers and toes in adults.Left untreated, those with celiac disease are a lot more likely to be afflicted with problems relating to inflammation, mal-absorption and malnutrition, including osteoporosis, tooth enamel defects, central and peripheral nervous system disease, pancreatic disease, seizures, organ disorders (gall bladder, liver and spleen) and gynecological disorders, including infertility.When researchers at the Celiac disease center at Columbia university screened 188 women with infertility for celiac, there was no higher risk of the disease until they narrowed it to just those with unexplained infertility. Of that group, nearly 6 percent had celiac disease—a rate nearly six times higher than expected.Some studies suggest that the following reproductive disorders may be linked to untreated celiac disease:

Late puberty

Absence of menstruation

Early menopause




Intrauterine growth restriction

Low birth-weight babies


 What must you do if you suspect that you may have celiac disease?

Consult with your doctor and request a celiac blood panel to screen for the disease. The current “gold standard” for confirming a celiac diagnosis is by means of a biopsy of the small intestine, obtained through an endoscopy.

 How can celiac disease impact a woman’s fertility?

Mal-absorption (resulting in malnourishment) probably isn’t the only mechanism behind celiac-induced infertility. One recent study suggests there’s something about the celiac process itself that may directly affect one’s ability to carry through a pregnancy. The study showed antibodies to tissue transglutaminase—one of the crucial markers of celiac–can have a negative effect on the placenta’s development.

A higher rate of miscarriage, stillbirth and fetal growth problems like intrauterine growth restriction has been well documented in women with undiagnosed celiac disease. treatment with the gluten-free diet seems to minimize these risks.

 If you have celiac disease and you are trying to have a baby, what steps muST vásárolsz, hogy egészséges terhességet kapj?

Szigorúan tartsa be a gluténmentes étrendet!

Ezután szorosan működjön együtt orvosával, és kövesse az egészséges terhesség összes orvosi útmutatóját. Ha újonnan diagnosztizálják a celiakia betegséget, akkor a legjobb, ha egy évig hat hónapot vár, és szigorúan glutén -kiegészítést tart, és minden celiakia tünetét jól ellenőrzés alá vonja – mielőtt megkísérelné elképzelni. De ismét ellenőrizze orvosával, hogy mi a legmegfelelőbb az Ön számára. Van -e más ötlete a celiakia és a meddőség problémáiban szenvedő nők számára?

A legjobb ajánlások ismét a szigorú gluténmentes étrend fenntartása-

Egyáltalán nem csalás – és szorosan együttműködni az orvosával. Ezután minden más rutin. A nagyszerű gluténmentes receptek, ötletek és tanácsok esetén nézd meg a Living nélkül.

Egy utolsó (és fontos) gondolat:

A gluténmentes étrend megkezdése előtt a celiakia szakértői erősen javasolják a celiakia vizsgálatát. A glutén ingyenesé válása az ellenőrzés előtt befolyásolja a teszteredmények pontosságát.

Alicia Woodward a

Élet nélkül, a nemzet vezető magazinja az élelmiszer -allergiával és érzékenységgel rendelkező emberek számára. Engedélyes pszichoterapeuta, a celiakia pszichológiai és társadalmi szempontjaira, valamint az élelmiszer -allergiákra és az érzékenységre szakosodott. A speciális étkezési igényekkel való utazásról és az étkezésről sokkal többet szeretne elérni a oldalra.

Hasznosnak találta ezt az információt? Kattintson ide, hogy megmutassa az Healthy Mommies magazin támogatását.

Link ehhez a bejegyzéshez: celiakia és meddőség
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